

There are plenty of things you can try in those moments that are in between appointments that will help keep you body and mind happy, flexible, and  pain-free. Staying connected and calm, also referred to as staying “grounded” will be an important aspect in long term self-care. 


  1. Try an Epsom salt bath. Epsom salt is made from Magnesium and is known for its benefits to muscle and nervous systems. At least 2 cups of salt in warm, but not too hot water, for 25-30 minutes. Essential oils can provide an added benefit. Make it lovely! light candles, incense, and play music that will soothe your soul.
  1. For those with chronic pain, consider eliminating foods in your diet that contribute to inflammation. Dairy, gluten, sugar and processed foods can bring additional discomfort to the body by inflaming the soft muscle tissues.
  1. Get up and move. A rigorous work out is not always necessary. However, a brisk 20 minute walk a few times a week can make huge improvements to over all well being.
  1. Yoga. Yoga connects breath and movement in ways that are therapeutic for the body, also calming for the mind, and uplifting for the spirit. There are different types of yoga to explore that will be suitable for your mind/body type. 
  1. Meditation techniques are used to bring peace and inner calm to a busy mind. With over 300 kinds of meditation, some are focused on the repetition of mantra like Transcendental Meditation while others may suggest visualization techniques such as Guided Imagery. Exploring these various methods will help you find out which ones work for you. 
  1. Keeping a journal and writing in it often helps to clean up the stressed mind which is often connected to stressed muscles… A way to process thoughts and get out the clutter, it can pave a way to new thoughts, ideas and creativity.
  1. Cold showers. Finishing your showers with cold water can be painful but has remarkable effects on the mind and body. The cold water calms the nervous system and helps your day start relaxed, yet energized and renewed
  2. Eliminate toxic relationships. Like it or not there are people in our lives that are a constant drain on our resources. This can leave physically drained or depleted energetically. Its important to have loving, supportive and nurturing relationships in our lives. 
  3. Rest. The quality of your rest at night can make huge differences in how you feel. Removing electronics from the bedroom, not eating too soon before sleep, and consistency in the times you sleep can all help contribute to a good nights rest.
  4. Music/Dance. Movement when combined with pleasing sounds has amazing effects. Hearing music and moving to music may be a vital component to human health. In many cases people could speak to the immediate relief of pain, stress, anxieties when exposed to music. Find out what moves you, and make it a regular practice.
  5. Sweat it out. Working up a sweat a few times a week is purifying for the mind, body, and soul. Exercise induced sweat, wet/dry saunas and sweet lodge ceremonies all are good ways to renew the body with focused energy intended on moving energy.